
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

From the start of this journey I have looked at the amount of money needed for this trip with both hope and a bit of doubt. I know God provides, and that when it is in His great plan for your life, He will find a way to make the funds appear that are necessary to accomplish the calling for your life.

That being said, since I am human, there has been a sliver of doubt within this season of fundraising. I know God is capable of anything, But it is hard to comprehend the idea that He would place a desire for many to want to support me.

Each time I said “but God provides,” there was a part of me that didn’t want to fully believe it in an effort to not get let down when He didn’t show up in the way that I might have wanted. 

The beautiful thing is that it truly is not about me at all. Absolutely God is working in my life, but it is all for His glory. The more I have been able to accept this truth, the more I have seen God work in ways that I am unable to comprehend fully with my small human mind. This process may not have looked the way that I would have planned it, but that is what is so amazing about it because it is God’s plan, not my own.

Every day that another person is generous enough to support me, I feel completely unworthy of it. The little notifications that another person wanted to help me and allow me to walk into God’s calling for my life does not go unnoticed, and is truly appreciated so so much. Within the support I have found reassurance that this is God’s calling for my life, and excitement in the growing opportunities in store for me in the future.

All this to say, I am excited to announce that I am FULLY FUNDED for my trip in the fall!! Thank you so much to everyone that has allowed me to get to this point! I am blown away by the generosity of others, and I am beyond excited to see all that God has in store for me in this next chapter! 

2 responses to “He Provides.”

  1. That’s amazing!!!! And your are worthy of every penny. It was hard for us to miss boot camp. We are so excited to meet you in person and so excited to see how God grows you in this journey.