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Thoughts & Inspiration

This season of life has been an interesting one. It is the one in between. It’s the one that on its own, wouldn’t even look like a season. It is the waiting for the next big thing in my life to start. 

I have fallen in love with the “in between”. The season that allows stillness. It allows rest. I think we often set our minds on what is next, and in that mindset, we lose sight of the beautiful moments within the now. The little moments of sitting with a friend, or time spent with family. The moments that I will desire so desperately in a couple months when I am missing home.

I think that God’s purpose within this season of my life is to slow down. To take each moment and fully appreciate it. He is continually showing me the beauty in sitting in His presence. This is a season of preparation, and I am so thankful for that. A season for me to root myself in the Lord. I have found great peace within the waiting.

Within this “in between” season, I am also met with hard goodbyes. While I am sad about the goodbyes, what a beautiful thing goodbyes are! Not only to they uncover the love and soon-to-be longing for someone, but they also provide closure. With every hard goodbye, you are met with a sweet hello from someone new. In the same way that seasons change, so do the people coming in and out of them.

Today marks a month till I leave. A month till I head off to Georgia for six weeks, and then off on all the amazing travels that will follow that. To most people a month might seem like a good amount of time, but for me it is going by more quickly than I think I realize. What a beautiful opportunity I have to love well within a month. This season has taught me the importance of every sweet interaction. Every precious moment spent with others. I am so thankful for the “in between” because it not only prepares me for the next season, but it also allows reflection of the past one. It allows time to just be with our Heavenly Father. 

I am beyond excited for my next season of life and all God has in store for me, but for now I am going to enjoy the in between:)

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.”  Ecclesiastes 3:11

3 responses to “the “in between””

  1. I’m thankful to God that you’ve found great peace in the waiting, Abby! To wait well makes the day of fulfillment that much sweeter 🙂

  2. That’s a life lesson you just penned. I will pray for every sweet moment of your next month.
    Then we will get to meet you!!